Mathew D. Finkelson, DMD, MMSc, Finkelson Orthodontics Patient Login


E-mail us with any constructive input, thoughts or questions:

                  WE WELCOME YOUR THOUGHTS 


(5 stars) Bending Over Backwards
Most doctors' offices go out of  their way to remind patients that missed appointments are frowned upon. While  many of us understand how valuable office/doctor time is, Dr. Finkelson's staff  went out of their way to accommodate an error I made. My son had to miss swim  team practice for a scheduled appointment. I actually had the appointment day  wrong, thinking it was scheduled for a Wednesday instead of a Thursday. Long  story short, the staff bent over backwards to squeeze us in so my son wouldn't  have to endure a painful lecture from the coaches. That may not seem like much  to some people, but it meant the world to me. As a mom, I couldn't be more  thankful for their understanding, patience, and cheerful attitude when we walked  in the door! THANK YOU!

 Thank you to Dr. Finkelson and his staff for exceptional service.  I am impressed and so appreciative that you went way above and beyond expectations and standards, providing a consultation and adjustment to my retainers without charge.  And yet I received as courteous, friendly, and professional treatment as any other patient.  Thank you, Rebecca, for the extremely warm welcome and very capable assessment.  Based on my brief but excellent experience, I will recommend Dr. Finkelson as loudly and widely as I am able.  Kudos on your wonderful practice, and thanks again



 Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or
less-than-outstanding service?
Rebecca is always so welcoming and kind.

Post Appointment Survey Results

 Is  there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or  less-than-outstanding service?
I never remember names ... but the two women  who are the receptionists in Margate/Northfield are AWESOME!

 Do you  feel that you were properly greeted and treated at our office?
Beyond "properly" ~ warm, welcoming, definitely treated as though the staff was there to serve our needs.

 Did our clinical staff answer your questions to  your satisfaction?
Yes. She was wonderful. Thank You.

 Based on your experience, would you recommend us to a family member or friend?
Definitely yes 

Based on your experience, would you recommend us
to a family member or friend?
Comments: Because you all are extremely
friendly and all do a wonderful job

 How would you rate how you were
treated on the phone?
Friendly & professional 

How would you
rate how you were treated on the phone?
Comments: Every one is so friendly
and nice! Make me smile!!!

 How would you rate how you were treated
when you arrived/checked in?
Exceeded my expectations 

How would
you rate how you were treated when you arrived/checked in?
Greeted, always make me smile

 Did we see you within a reasonable
proximity of your appointment time?

Did we see you within a
reasonable proximity of your appointment time?
Never have waited for a long
amount of time!

 Please rate how well we explained your current
condition and any recommended treatment.
Exceeded my expectations
Please rate how well we explained proposed treatment costs and financial
Exceeded my expectations 

If treatment was recommended,
do you plan on scheduling it with us in the next 30 days?

Have you scheduled your next appointment?

Do you have suggestions to help us improve our service?
because you all do an outstanding job!

What can we do to make your
experience at our office more positive?
Nothing because you all already make
my visit wonderful.

Do you feel that you were properly greeted and
treated at our office?
Yes I feel properly greeted and treated at your
office more than expected.
. Did our clinical staff answer your
questions to your satisfaction?
Yes when ever it have a question.

What would make your visit or your child's visit to our office more enjoyable?
Nothing because it already enjoyable!

If you have visited our
website ..any suggestions and or comments?
No comments or suggestions
because your doing such Wonderful job!




(5 stars) All of you are exceptional!

After reviewing our answers for the attached questionaire we noticed that all our answers were the same, "Exceeded our expectations!" We have been coming to Dr. Finkelson's office for over 5 years and even though we know how great you all never ceases to amaze us how friendly, knowledgible and just plain AWESOME you all are! We appreciate every bit of time that you spend with us, we always feel appreciated and respected and cared for when we leave your office! You all are exceptional!

 5 stars) trustworhy

I feel the staff and service of everyone at the
office is professional and completely trustworthy. Treatments are explained and
payment/options are made easy. I would not hesitate to recommend this doctor and
his office!

(5 stars) Always a smile

Love the office staff Everyone is professional and courteous. Makes the visit to the orthodontist a pleasure for the kids.

Five Stars-  trustworhy

I feel the staff and service of everyone at the office is professional and completely trustworthy. Treatments are explained and payment/options are made easy. I would not hesitate to recommend this doctor and his office!


*****Stars  Highly recommended
We love Dr. Finkelson and his staff.
Everything is explained every step and at every visit. Everyone is warm,
friendly and accomodating. We are very proud to recommend them to anyone.



(5 stars) Denise Frehr

It was a blessing to walk into your office to find a staff that was extremely friendly, kind and very informative. The world needs more people in it that choose to have their employees and owners be part of a loving, safe environment.

Thank you again! 2/20/13


17. If you have visited our website ..any suggestions and or comments?

Everything is top notch. More doctor/dental practices need to visit the
model of your office staff and website.                                                


                  *****The best!                                                     
LOVE Dr Finkelson and all of his staff. They do  amazing work and make all of their patients feels special

                                                                                                                          Jan. 22, 2013


***** Terrific
I love this place. Everyone is always kind and in good spirits.
They always make me feel welcome and they always answer my questions. If I had
to recommend someone to an orthodontist, I'd send them here in a heart beat.


*****            Dr Finkelson and Staff                

                 From the consultation till now everything has
just been great.I'm so glad my friend referred me to this office. Kaylee has
only had her braces on since September and I see such a great improvment
already. Everyone in the office is always pleasant and Dr. Finkelson always
comes out and explains everything. I couldnt be more happy Jan 9, 2013

                                           *****Dr Finkleson are the best love all of them

I have to say when I walk in Rebecca is awsome. She greets everyone by name and I like that The staff I cant say enough about kudos to all

                                           By Bryce S., Dec 18, 2012



  Please read                      An Orthodontic Story by Morgann Elizabeth Turner




Post Appointment Survey


Post Apointments Survey Results

12. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or
less-than-outstanding service?
The whole staff is great.

13. Do you
have suggestions to help us improve our service?
No it's perfect to

14. What can we do to make your experience at our office more
Nothing because it's already great.

15. Do you feel that
you were properly greeted and treated at our office?

16. Did our
clinical staff answer your questions to your satisfaction?

Post-Appointment Survey
1. Overall, how would you rate your experience at our
Exceeded my expectations

2. Overall, how would you rate your
experience at our office?
Comments: Every time!!!!!

3. Based on your
experience, would you recommend us to a family member or friend?

4. Based on your experience, would you recommend us to a family
member or friend?
Comments: To everyone!!!!!

5. How would you rate
how you were treated on the phone?

6. How would you rate how you
were treated when you arrived/checked in?
Exceeded my expectations

7. How would you rate how you were treated when you arrived/checked in?

Comments: Every Time!!!!!

8. Did we see you within a reasonable
proximity of your appointment time?

9. Please rate how well we
explained your current condition and any recommended treatment.
Exceeded my

10. Did we answer your questions satisfactorily?

11. Please rate how well we explained proposed treatment costs and
financial options.

12. If treatment was recommended, do you plan on scheduling it with us in the next 30 days?

13. Have you
scheduled your next appointment?

14. Is there anyone you would
like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
has been amazing!!!!!

15. Do you have suggestions to help us improve our
Just keep doing what you are doing!!!!!

16. What can we do
to make your experience at our office more positive?
Nothing! It already is
very positive!!!!!

17. Do you feel that you were properly greeted and
treated at our office?
Yes!!!!! Every time!!!!!

18. Did our clinical
staff answer your questions to your satisfaction?
Yes!!!!! Every

19. What would make your visit or your child's visit to our
office more enjoyable?
Nothing!!!!! It already is an enjoyable

20. If you have visited our website ..any suggestions and
or comments?
So easy to find everything!!!!!


                                                                            *****Exceeds expectations

Everyone is always engaged in my childs progress They are always discussing her progress And advising us of any changes we may need to follow.

By Gabriella M., Oct 23, 2012                   




                                 *****   Simply The Best! (set to the musical tune)

What can I say that I have not already said? These last 4+ years flew by and as any parent, I was concerned for my childrens' well-being. When we first started with your practice, (way back when my boys were pre-teens)I was worried that my boys would be scared, or in pain from procedures or simply that I would hear them complain. However, in all our years with you, I NEVER heard one negative thing from them! I hope you know how much that (silently) says from my boys about you all! YOU'RE SIMPLY THE BEST! Sharon Leavy                                                      


11. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or
less-than-outstanding service?
Rebecca is the best, she makes you feel so
comfortable always and is Sooo great with the kids. She's a class act.

16. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or
less-than-outstanding service?
I don't have a favorite...You are ALL my

17. Do you have suggestions to help us improve our service?

Couldn't possibly think of one!

18. What can we do to make your
experience at our office more positive?
Keep us longer!!! LOL...I will truly
miss you all after Joshua is released.

19. Do you feel that you were
properly greeted and treated at our office?
Treated?...Just like

20. Did our clinical staff answer your questions to your
Of course.

21. What would make your visit or your
child's visit to our office more enjoyable?
Four more years!

22. If
you have visited our website ..any suggestions and or comments?
I love your Ecards!

13. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or
less-than-outstanding service?
Everyone was outstanding!

14. What can
we do to make your experience at our office more positive?
Nothing. It already is very positive!!!!!

15. Do you feel that you were properly
greeted and treated at our office?
Yes. Always.

16. What would make
your visit or your child's visit to our office more enjoyable?
I already do enjoy them. Jessica doesn't even mind going there because you are so friendly
and professional.

15. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or
less-than-outstanding service?
Becca was always super friendly and good to
me. I walked away feeling gorgeous every visit.





Great experience

From initial visit to removal off braces, all phases of treatment were explained and meet expectations. Staff is always friendly, appointments are easily made and very timely. 2 kids with beautiful smiles! Highly recommend.

By Anonymous, Aug 17, 2012

Outstanding Orthodontics

WOW!!!!! Whenever I walk into the office I am greeted and it is very friendly, yet professional. I feel comfortable enough to speak to anyone there! I am always very excited and happy when I have to go to the orthodontist. Dr. Finkelson and his ENTIRE staff are all amazing, friendly and professional!

By Jessica R., Aug 16, 2012

When u smile I smile

It was always positive when I walked in. Everyone was smiling and it made me smile. We felt more like family than patients. I experienced minimal pain, thanks to the sensitivity of the staff. They always remember who you are and the little things about you that make you feel welcome.They have cool colors for rubber bands and fun rewards to taking care of your braces. If I needed braces again I would absolutely go back and will refer everyone we know. Thanks Dr. Finkelson and everyone in your office.

By Sierra S., Aug 13, 2012

Painless Orthodontics

The office runs like a well-oiled machine. We were always welcomed, taken promptly, and Dr. F treated my son with respect and kindness. He always came out to the waitng room to discuss care with parents. Any probelm between visits was easily solved. This is one office where you are not just a chart, but a person.

By Bryan G., Jun 22, 2012

More kind words to share

1. Overall, how would you rate your experience at our office?
Exceeded my expectations

2. Overall, how would you rate your experience at our office?
Comments: Love the staff.

3. Based on your experience, would you recommend us to a family member or friend?
Definitely yes

4. Based on your experience, would you recommend us to a family member or friend?
Comments: Everyone should go to Finkelson Orthordontics

5. How would you rate how you were treated on the phone?
Exceeded my expectations

6. How would you rate how you were treated when you arrived/checked in?
Exceeded my expectations

7. How would you rate how you were treated when you arrived/checked in?
Comments: Always with a smile

13. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
Everyone was outstanding!

14. What can we do to make your experience at our office more positive?
Nothing. It already is very positive!!!!!

15. Do you feel that you were properly greeted and treated at our office?
Yes. Always.

16. What would make your visit or your child's visit to our office more enjoyable?
I already do enjoy them. Jessica doesn't even mind going there because you are so friendly and professional.

15. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
Becca was always super friendly and good to me. I walked away feeling gorgeous every visit.

16. Do you have suggestions to help us improve our service?
Don't fix what isn't broken :-)

17. What can we do to make your experience at our office more positive?
Play Justin Bieber :-)

18. Do you feel that you were properly greeted and treated at our office?
Every single visit was wonderful

19. Did our clinical staff answer your questions to your satisfaction?

20. What would make your visit or your child's visit to our office more enjoyable?
Still just hearing Just :-)

14. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
No. The office works in unison. Quite a team!

15. What can we do to make your experience at our office more positive?
The staff always made my son feel like a winner. He was a little sorry to be finished the work!

Come on down...and see Dr. Mat

I have seen a lot of doctor/dental practices over the years. I have stopped going to some practices because their office staff have been less than satisfactory. This is one doctor/dental practice I enjoy seeing. They're happy folks. They know what they do at this office makes peoples' lives change dramatically. If you have been putting off treatment, I suggest you run not walk into this practice. Dr. Finkelson and his team will alleviate any stress and worry you may have. You will be happy. Your child will be happy and that is a good thing. Life is stressful enough. Why add more stress. See Dr. Mat just to say hello & you will be glad you did.

By Robin, Jun 7, 2012

Other Kind Words

6. How would you rate how you were treated when you arrived/checked in?
Comments: You always remember me, so I don't even have to say my name. I really enjoy that!

15. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
the entire staff is amazing and each is great at what they do

16. Do you have suggestions to help us improve our service?
i don't think it gets any better than Dr. Finkelson's office

17. Do you feel that you were properly greeted and treated at our office?
We are always treated like family (on top of being professionally taken care of)

18. Did our clinical staff answer your questions to your satisfaction?

19. What would make your visit or your child's visit to our office more enjoyable?
She loves to go to the ortho!

Exceptional service.

Dr. Finkleson and his staff have a great sense of professionalism. My daughter has had such a positive experience. She now has a beautiful smile that will last a life time. Thank you all.

By Jenna M., May 25, 2012

Superior Staff!

WOW! That is what I think when I leave the office! The staff greets me and treats me like I am family. When they asked if I wanted to come in really early in the morning, I agreed because I love going to the office. I am always so happy about what happens when I go to the office and leave. Thanks soo much Dr. Finkelson and the rest of the staff!

By Jessica R., May 12, 2012

Highly Recommended

Could not ask for better treatment. I've had braces, my daughter has had braces and I've recommended @ least 3 friends who got braces with Dr. Finkleson. Very friendly & professional environment, EVERY TIME.

By Dah'jah H., Apr 11, 2012


I HAVE BROUGHT BOTH OF MY DAUGHTERS TO THIS OFFICE AND THEIR CARE AND OUTCOME WERE GREAT!! I always recommend this practice to everyone I know who needs braces for themselves or family members...always the best...I have enjoyed our relationship!!

By Alexa, Mar 15, 2012

These kind words sum up our reward for Team Work

13. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
Rebecca!! Jalisa!! And Dr Finkelson!!

14. Do you feel that you were properly greeted and treated at our office?
Very nice kind friendly and over the top!!!

15. Did our clinical staff answer your questions to your satisfaction?


11. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
Everyone in the office was amazing! We had a great experience. All the members of staff and Dr. Finkelson were friendly and welcoming. My chiildren felt at ease and actualy want to get braces now!

12. Do you feel that you were properly greeted and treated at our office?
Absolutely, I have never had such a welcomee at a Drs office before.

13. If you have visited our website ..any suggestions and or comments?
You have a wonderful website

Thank you for the nice note Victoria

Dr. Finkelson and Staff

We started our braces journey 3 1/2 years ago and from day one it was a pleasure. The Dr. and his staff are friendly, accessible and always make appointments so Something to look forward to. My daughter loves each and every person there and always looks forward to her next appointment.

By Michaela N., Feb 9, 2012

great experience

Not one complaint- friendly, very professional and every question answered and each step explained in detail.

By Anonymous, Feb 3, 2012


Very nice staff, very welcoming and happy people. My son immediately was satisfied with atmosphere. Feels great to know Dr. Finkleson and his staff will take care of us each time we need them with a smile and understandment. Happy to have my son be a patient there.

By Anonymous, Jan 24, 2012

Always the BEST

Always great coming in.

By Michael, Jan 24, 2012

We Have Gems

12. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
Yes. The young lady who makes the appointments. she is the nicest, sweetest person I have ever met. A gem on your staff.

Extremely satisfied customer

As a patient who has just completed her orthodontic care, our daughter's smile is amazing. Dr. Finkelson did an amazing job. After each visit, Dr. Finkelson explains what work has been accomplished, what is being done as a result of that visit and an idea of what is to be done in the future. His office staff is extremely friendly, easy to work with and I am extremely pleased with our overall orthodontic experience at Dr. Finkelson's office.

By Devon T., Jan 20, 2012

MORE Kind Words

12. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
There is no one in particular. Renee is great with my daughter! Rebecca is always just so excited to see everyone. The front office girls are more than willing to help you with anything. The assistants are very friendly and smiling all the time.

Best Orthodontist!

This is my first time dealing with braces. Dr. Finkelson and staff make you feel like family. My child enjoys coming to the office because they make it fun for them. I think the Dr. Finkelson has a great office and staff.

By Kristen H., Jan 10, 2012

*****Exceptional Service*****

Dr. Finkelson's Orthodontics Service is first class. The staff was always friendly and accomodating. I had two children who used his services and never had one complaint. Without a doubt you'll get the best service and nicest people to take care of your dental needs.

By Sabrina B., Dec 2, 2011

***Exellent Ortho***

both my girls have gotten excellent care and results from this office. Wouldn't go anywhere else!!!

By Alexa Q., Dec 1, 2011

*****Extremely professional!

Very pleasant & knowledgeable receptionist & Dr was wonderful! My daughter felt very comfortable as everything was explained to her as well....HIGHLY recommend this office!!!

By Anonymous, Nov 23, 2011

Great Experience

Both of my children are under the orthodontic care of Dr. Finkelson and his staff. I am pleased with the services that we have received. Everyone is personable and professional. I would highly recommend them.

By Meghan C., Nov 10, 2011

Sad to be done

We have been coming to you for 13 years. I will be sad to leave. All 3 of my kids are done :( but the smiles they have are beautiful. Thank goodness for retainers, this way we can still come and see you sometimes.Going to you was never an augh moment for my kids, meaning augh we have to go to the dentist. They loved coming to see you and they especially loved to tell you about the things they do, hockey, dance, singing while riding a bike with eyes closed etc. Jessica even told on herself when she ate candy and would break things (every month)you never made them feel bad.WE LOVE YOU GUYS!

By Jessica, Nov 7, 2011

You're never too old for braces

I recently had my 50th birthday and I am in the process of being on Invisalign aligner braces. I am on my last aligner. I cannot thank Dr. Mat and the staff enough for the high quality of professionalism and dedication they have shown me over the course of treatment. No question is too "silly" to be asked. If you want to see a real difference in your smile and in your life...see this group.

By Robin A., Nov 3, 2011

Lettter of Thanks for our Kindness

We send out post appointment surveys to our patients. We welcome both positive and constructive feedback.

13. Is there anyone you would like to recognize for outstanding or less-than-outstanding service?
Dr. F and Becca are a dynamic team and always go out of their way to connect with both parent and patient. There is a lot of positive energy in the office! Bryan's older sister went to a competitor and the contrast is significant with no after care.

Miss you guys!!!

I've had my braces off for about 5 years and everyone still remembers my name. Now that i've passed the awkward years with braces and pimples, I would do it all over again to have regular check ups at the office. thanks for all the ladies and Dr. Finkelson for making my smile beautiful :

By Katherine S., Aug 30, 2011

We are so fortunate to have our patients and families.. Listed below are some of the testimonials we have received from our patients/families.. Kind words, wonderful patients and families keep us motivated to be the best we can.


Thank you Felicity Welden for all your thank you notes and great letters

Dear Dr. Finkelson,

I just read the news about your resignation from the Linwood Board of Education. Thanks so much for your years of hard work. You've really helped set a lot of us on the right course in our lives (and not just by making sure our braces left us with great smiles). You should be proud of what you're leaving behind.

I hope you have a great summer.

All the best,

Jacob Reses

Best Orthodontist in South Jersey

Meticulous, timely, caring and dedicated. That is Dr. Finkelson. Always accommodating. As a single mom with three kids, I needed the bang for my buck and the assitance with continued rescheduled appointments, conflicts, etc. Everything was always done with a smile! thanks dr. Finkelson!

Audrey Kernan

Don't Worry, Be Happy

From the first visit and throughout the designated time necessary to have a beautiful smile, Dr. Finkelson and his staff become like family. Visits to any of the offices are pleasant, timely and you either meet friends or make new ones while there. The end result is a healthy set of teeth and a million dollar SMILE! Who said you can't have fun with braces?!

Excellent service

Dr. Finkelson & his staff are really wonderful. They are very accommodating and always welcoming. They explain everything in detail & my son has always been very relaxed and comfortable every time he comes in for his treatment. We highly recommend them to anyone!

Erica 411

Dr. Mathew D. Finkelson has always been respectful, understanding and professional. The office staff has been courteous, professional and efficient. They answer the phone with "How can I make you smile?" which warms my heart and makes me smile every time. It is enjoyable to work with Dr. Finkelson and his staff.

Dr. Finkelson's office is tops.

From their friendly greetings on the phone ("How can I make you smile today?")to their well run office -- they always fit us in and we NEVER wait when we arrive for our apointments -- Dr. Finkelson's office is just tops. Dr. Finkelson is so accessible, even coming out into the reception area to sit down and talk to patients and their families. The overall experience is exceptional. Donna & Jim Ziereis (2 children in Dr. Finkelson's care)

Superior service with a smile!

It is truly such a pleasure to go to Finkelson Orthodontics! This is an office that knows how to treat patients, from the moment you check in until the moment you leave! I've never been to another specialist that was on time, but honestly I've never had to wait long in this office. The staff also seems to truly care about you. And Dr. Finkelson is a real pro -- an expert in his field. I highly recommend it!

1st visit

The staff was very welcoming,I was very impressed and pleased with the whole visit. I left the office with all the information I needed.I would recomend this office for care. Thank you

Great customer service

We have been a regular at your office for 4 or more years since all our 3 girls need braces. I have always been impressed with the great service we receive and the positive attitudes the staff has. I have recommended you to several friends. It is hard to find such great service these days. Your office does an exceptional job!

You Make Me Smile... Often

You make me smile, many times over. I smile when I think about the sincere and personal care I receive during every appointment. I smile when I wait in other doctors' offices, knowing that I don't wait in your office and that it is truly possible to be efficient, effective and professional! I smile when I read your congratulatory messages and note-worthy information throughout your waiting room and in your email newsletters. Walking in your office, I smile with every greeting to match the smile I am given. And I smile when I look at my "straight" teeth and know that you won't quit until they look perfect! Your wonderful standard of perfect!

"Smiles to last a lifetime!"

My best friend's two daughters both have had wonderful and very successful experiences with Dr. Finkelson and his staff. My two nieces have had the same curtious and professional experience. After hearing such rave reviews from my closest friend and brother, I was certain my two boys would have a wonderful experience there as well. My older son has been out of his braces for a year now and looks and feels great about his smile, that once caused him embarrassment. My younger son is well on his way to a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile as well! Thank you for all you do, Sharon Leavy and sons

Outstanding, professional orthodontic care! Simply THE BEST in the South Jersey area!

We did some research on the orthodontists in our area before settling on Dr. Finkelson and his office for our daughter's orthodontal care. We definitely made the right decision. Our daughter's experience has been nothing but a positive one. Her braces are off now, and her teeth look beautiful -- thanks to Dr. Finkelson and his professional, courteous staff.

Happy mom

Our experience at your office has been a positive one since the very first day. Your staff is friendly and professional. I've never been to an such a happy office. My son now has a great smile thanks to you, Dr. Finkelson. Thank you so much.

You will be amazed!

From the first day we entered this office it felt like we were being welcomed into a great family. Every member of the staff treats you as if you were a close friend or family member. The appointments run right on time, you never wait. The kids love coming because the great monthly give aways and because the staff treats them so well. Dr. Finkelson is awesome, always a smile and he always greets you with sincerity. And if you don't smile after you have seen Rebecca there must be something wrong with you! She is awesome! Honestly, I look forward to this visit each and every time! I don't believe I have ever been in a doctors office that has ever made me feel more welcomed! It is a great place to bring your children.


Our appointments always show characteristics of efficiency, promptness, friendliness and Dr. Finkelson makes my daughter's appointment understandable to us. Thank you!! Happy Holidays to the staff!!


To the Finkelson Ortho Family:)

I just wanted you to know that I think Dr. Mathew Finkelson is one of the most kind and caring man I've ever met! I always said and thought that about him! But now seeing what he has offered here to his families that may be in need of some help in these difficult times... Just proves my feeling about him that I've always had! We LOVE him and his staff and appreciate all of you:) We hope you and your families have a wonderful Holiday! Take Care!

Sincerely, Mary Andreadis:)

"I was in your office yesterday, and I loved it! Miss. Brown and Dr. Finkelson are hilarious! You guys made me feel like I was special and like we'd known each other for years. I can't wait to get my brackets on Tuesday! Thanks again! "

These are from the schools and some of the student winners of our bond donation




More Letters of Gratitude











Above are words of thanks from Simon Carson





"Dr. Finkelson's Recommended Pharmacy for true, dedicated full services"


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Dr. Mathew D. Finkelson Orthodontics
Northfield Office  2400 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225  Ph: 609-645-1559
Marmora Office  447 S. Shore Road, Marmora, NJ 08223  Ph: 609-390-1569
Margate Office  8106 Ventnor Avenue, Margate, NJ 08402  Ph: 609-822-1569
Orthodontic Web Site by Sesame Design™